Unhelpful coping strategies vs The Stockdale Paradox
We all need to find a way to cope with what life throws at us and the tough emotions that come with it. Coping skills are the strategies that people use to deal with stressful situations.
Mind your language
As you grow up, you realise that’s hardly true and that words can cut deeper than any knife. But I want to talk about the power of words: not to harm, but to shape our thoughts and feelings.
Something you don’t know about anxiety (and a simple way to get rid of it)!
You’re feeling anxious. You know you’re worrying about something irrational. You tell yourself to stop worrying about it, but you can’t…
How to cope with Uncertainty
It can feel like the world around us keeps changing at the moment. This can leave us feeling uncertain and worried at times, and this can take its toll on your mental wellbeing.
When overthinking becomes a problem!
Do you often worry and think about things in intricate detail? Maybe you second-guess decisions you have made. Fixate on things you can’t control. Replay uncomfortable conversations you’ve had with people or mistakes you have made over again.